
Mugnsoft overview

Mugnsoft overview

In this short video, we will cover how Mugnsoft can secure your web application availability and a great user experience on your web application.

Mugnsoft is an advanced Business Application Monitoring solution, crafted by experts in the field of monitoring. Mugnsoft simplifies the deployment of Business Application monitoring. It efficiently tests and reports on key aspects such as database performance, API endpoints, and user journey metrics, while proactively alerting you to issues in any of these areas. It is built around 4 main principles:

  • Fast and Easy-to-Administer Deployment: Ensures quick setup and straightforward management of Business Application Monitoring.
  • Continuous User Journey Monitoring: Utilizes probes to simulate user interactions, guaranteeing an optimal user experience on your website.
  • Rapid Problem Resolution: Identifies the source of failures quickly, allowing for swift action. Retesting is made simple with a single click to confirm issue resolution.
  • Collaborative Monitoring Approach: Fosters synergy between development and monitoring teams by leveraging development tests in a shift-left monitoring strategy.


Mugnsoft is not only user-friendly but also democratizes Business Application Monitoring, integrating seamlessly with the DevOps culture.

Our guiding principle: Embrace ‘shift-left’ monitoring for proactive and efficient operations.


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